Resitting the test
If you don’t get the result you need after two attempts, you can register to undertake the SAEMA test again as soon as you feel ready to do so.
Before registering for another test, take a moment to consider your options.
Your score is unlikely to increase unless you take the time to learn each section of the course.
Please ask yourself the following questions:
- Have I visited the SAEMA website and read about the organisation, its aims and its objectives?
- Have I watched and understood the content in the 10 sections – once you have registered you can watch these as many times as you like/need?
- Have I read the feedback from my first attempt(s) to see which areas I need to ‘brush up’ on’?
- Is there anyone available I can talk to coach and mentor me?
- Was I as calm and relaxed as possible when I took the test?
- If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, please feel free to contact us for help, guidance or advice.